Welcome to UMBC’s Resident Student Association!

Resident Student Association (RSA) is the primary student organization that was created for the residential student population. We work along Residential Life to advocate for our constituents and create a thriving community in which our residents can prosper.

Show Upcoming


RSA Block party

A day filled with food, games, and more fun!


Erickson Field

Date & Time

May 5, 2023, 2:30 pm5:00 pm


RSA is excited to present our annual Block Party which is back and bigger than ever! There will be free food, Starbuck vouchers, games, prizes, and so much more!

Also, some special guest appearances too! 

Venus Unvieling

Come join RSA and Astro club for a night under the Stars!


Erickson Field

Date & Time

May 3, 2023, 8:00 pm10:00 pm


RSA will be hosting a co-event with UMBC Astro-club to celebrate Venus's unveiling in the night sky. 

If the weather is inclement, the event will take place inside the Physics Building in Room 401. 

Reslife Olympics

Are you ready to prove yourself as the ultimate athelte?


Erickson Field

Date & Time

April 29, 2023, 12:00 pm6:00 pm


RSA is excited to present its first Reslife olympics where each hall competes to prove their athletic prowess. The competition games are volleyball, soccer, flag football, and handball. 

Food Town Hall

Do you have concerns about food on campus?


Apartment Community Center : MPR

Date & Time

April 19, 2023, 8:00 pm9:00 pm


RSA is excited to present UMBC students another chance to voice their concerns about food options on campus. Come out and let your concerns or wants be heard by David Glenn!




April 14, 2023 (All Day Event)


The Residential Life Housing Selection Application will open on April 1, 2023 to all eligible students.

In order to be granted the application, which you must submit to participate in Residential Life’s housing selection, you must meet the following eligibility criteria:

  • Must be an undergraduate student, who did not complete a Walker Avenue Apartment’s Housing Selection Application (March 2023).

  • Must be in good financial standing. Students with outstanding student account balances greater than $250 will not be granted access to the application. You should contact Student Business Services to find out how to clear your account balance. Once you clear your account, you should contact the Residential Life Office to request access to the application.

  • Must be a currently enrolled UMBC resident or commuter who completed a “Commuter Pass” with a current resident. We recommend that “Commuter Passes” be submitted no later than April 13, 2023 to ensure our staff can review your request and issue the Housing Selection application to the commuting student before the April 14, 2023 deadline.

  • Students who are not actively enrolled in classes at the time of Housing Selection will not be eligible for participation.

Students who are not eligible or who miss the Housing Selection Application deadline, are invited to submit a General Housing Application. Once submitted, they will be added to a housing waitlist. Waitlist offers will be made throughout the summer and into the academic year, as space permits.


Reslife Roommate Mixer

RSA wants to help you find your future roommates!


Harbor Hall : MPR

Date & Time

April 12, 2023, 8:00 pm9:30 pm


RSA is excited to help all the returning and new residential student find those special roommates. We will have food, drinks, and snacks there along with good vibes! 




April 1, 2023 (All Day Event)


The Residential Life Housing Selection Application will open on April 1, 2023 to all eligible students.

In order to be granted the application, which you must submit to participate in Residential Life’s housing selection, you must meet the following eligibility criteria:

  • Must be an undergraduate student, who did not complete a Walker Avenue Apartment’s Housing Selection Application (March 2023).

  • Must be in good financial standing. Students with outstanding student account balances greater than $250 will not be granted access to the application. You should contact Student Business Services to find out how to clear your account balance. Once you clear your account, you should contact the Residential Life Office to request access to the application.

  • Must be a currently enrolled UMBC resident or commuter who completed a “Commuter Pass” with a current resident. We recommend that “Commuter Passes” be submitted no later than April 13, 2023 to ensure our staff can review your request and issue the Housing Selection application to the commuting student before the April 14, 2023 deadline.

  • Students who are not actively enrolled in classes at the time of Housing Selection will not be eligible for participation.