Welcome to UMBC’s Resident Student Association!

Resident Student Association (RSA) is the primary student organization that was created for the residential student population. We work along Residential Life to advocate for our constituents and create a thriving community in which our residents can prosper.

Show Upcoming



On Campus

Date & Time

November 27, 2019, 8:00 pmDec 1, 2019 12:00 pm


Thanksgiving Break Closing Information

Eight-month communities close for Thanksgiving Break on Wednesday, November 27, 2019 at 8:00 PM and reopen on Sunday, December 1, 2019 at Noon. Students in 8-month communities are expected to vacate and complete the below checklist to help ensure the overall health & safety of your room and personal belongings:

  • Clean your bathroom and personal spaces well. 
  • Remove and dispose of all trash in a trash room or a dumpster.
  • Turn the heat to a low setting.
  • Unplug all appliances and extension cords from the wall, with the exception of refrigerators and fish tanks.
  • Feed your fish and water your plants.
  • Pack medications and other necessities you might need during break.
  • Turn off water. 
  • Turn off lights and bathroom exhaust fans.
  • Close and lock all windows and doors.
  • Close blinds on ground floor rooms; leave blinds up on all other floors.
  • Report facilities concerns to your RA or FIXIT (x53948).
RAs will conduct an inspection in each 8-month community. Failure to properly prepare your space and vacate by the deadline may result in student conduct action. For more information about break closing please contact your RA or Community Director.

Paraprofessional Information Table

at Good Morning Commuters!


The Commons : Off Campus Student Services

Date & Time

November 26, 2019, 8:30 am9:30 am


Residential Life is current recruiting candidates who are interested in being Resident Assistants, Maintenance Assistants, or Desk Managers for the 2020-2021 academic year.

We’d like to encourage you to explore what being in these positions entails by stopping by our information table during the weekly Good Morning Commuter breakfast in the Commons.

In addition, we hope that you will seriously consider attending one of our formal information sessions and applying for one of our positions. Compensation for the position includes a free single room within a residence hall or apartment, the Terrific 12 meal plan, a stipend each semester, and numerous transferable skills.

Applications will be open on November 11, 2019 with a due date of January 13, 2020. Be sure to visit https://reslife.umbc.edu/student-employment-opportunities/ for the most up-to-date information.

If you have questions, you’re welcome to send an email to reslifeselection@umbc.edu or call us at 410-455-3932.


UMBC Residential Life Student Staff Selection Committee



Erickson Hall : ResLife Large Conference Room

Date & Time

November 18, 2019, 6:00 pm7:00 pm


Want to learn more about RSA, our upcoming plans, and how you can be a part of it? Come to our General Body Meeting to find out!


Apartment Community Center

Date & Time

November 11, 2019, 7:30 pm8:30 pm


Residential Life is current recruiting candidates who are interested in being Resident Assistants, Maintenance Assistants, or Desk Managers for the 2020-2021 academic year.

We’d like to encourage you to explore what being in these positions entails by attending one of our three information sessions, which are scheduled for:

  • Thursday, November 7 @ 7:30pm in the Harbor Multipurpose Room
  • Monday, November 11 @ 7:30pm in the Apartment Community Center
  • Monday, December 2 @ 12:00pm in Commons 329

We hope that you will seriously consider attending one of these sessions and applying for one of our positions. Compensation for the position includes a free single room within a residence hall or apartment, the Terrific 12 meal plan, a stipend each semester, and numerous transferable skills.

Applications will be open on November 11, 2019 with a due date of January 13, 2020. Be sure to visit https://reslife.umbc.edu/student-employment-opportunities/ for the most up-to-date information.

If you have questions, you’re welcome to send an email to reslifeselection@umbc.edu or call us at 410-455-3932.


UMBC Residential Life Student Staff Selection Committee



Harbor Hall : Multipurpose Room

Date & Time

November 11, 2019, 6:00 pm7:00 pm


Get your craft on with RSA!


Harbor Hall : Multipurpose Room

Date & Time

November 7, 2019, 7:30 pm8:30 pm


Residential Life is current recruiting candidates who are interested in being Resident Assistants, Maintenance Assistants, or Desk Managers for the 2020-2021 academic year.


We’d like to encourage you to explore what being in these positions entails by attending one of our three information sessions, which are scheduled for:

  • Thursday, November 7 @ 7:30pm in the Harbor Multipurpose Room
  • Monday, November 11 @ 7:30pm in the Apartment Community Center
  • Monday, December 2 @ 12:00pm in Commons 329

We hope that you will seriously consider attending one of these sessions and applying for one of our positions. Compensation for the position includes a free single room within a residence hall or apartment, the Terrific 12 meal plan, a stipend each semester, and numerous transferable skills.


Applications will be open on November 11, 2019 with a due date of January 13, 2020. Be sure to visit https://reslife.umbc.edu/student-employment-opportunities/ for the most up-to-date information.


If you have questions, you’re welcome to send an email to reslifeselection@umbc.edu or call us at 410-455-3932.




UMBC Residential Life Student Staff Selection Committee